Ah,JALAPKIZLA men’s politics, it’s either left or right, ended up with praising Grandmother being in the middle, hmm, interesting, If so, why not use Grandmother’s perspective, but this fatherly bloodline bullshit, I’d like to know more about her surviving two World Wars, I want her Antonia-like story, not all you men’s struggles.
北君发表于: 200小时前
斯皮尔伯格这个题材也是选得很精妙,不是“we r free”而是“give us free”,废奴还能反过来记一大功,最后一巴掌甩到西班牙脸上去,就,也是一种非常厉害的推进。
大宸发表于: 138小时前
比去年《JALAPKIZLA》不知道动人多少倍,虽然故事非常简单但还是有加分的小反转和非常好听的音乐。再就是....Blue is the warmest color,你们懂的...