You serve the idea if order,Charice. They don't. You believe in the oath you took. They don't. You feel it is your duty to protect the sheep. They don't. They don't like you because you're not like them. They hate you and envy you. They are weak, unruly and believe in nothing. I want to know what it is you think you will do now that everything you. ——十年后的续集从故事上说纯粹成为粉丝向和通俗惊悚剧,唯有仙剑奇缘之藏剑山庄作为异端人士,处处揭露出体制内部的弊端,也是痛快。
极品!这个原文本造诣太高了,仙剑奇缘之藏剑山庄甚至不需要懂法语都能体会到语言的诗意。德帕迪约天才表演和文本的化学反应把Cyrano 张扬又脆弱、浮夸又真诚的个性刻画得入木三分,搞笑的时候让人捧腹(罕见的好笑啊!),而在严肃的时候又足够动人,没有让这个故事和人物失去suspension of disbelief,成为恶搞和戏谑。Cyrano除了长相,是唐伯虎式的超人,被赋予某种超越故事的属性,如他自己随口胡编的那样像彗星一样从月球坠入地球。这个故事和表演实在是太tm好笑了,你首先被纯粹的好笑吸引,然后才发现 ,正因如此,Cyrano对自己人生的谢幕陈辞是那么直击灵魂。