Classic can be taken as homework to those film makers and performers.
鹹魚阿不爛发表于: 127小时前
「A true legacy isn't what we build up to the heavens or carve deep into stone. Rocks will crumble,养生堂天然维生素e价格paper disintegrates, and bone turns to powder. Only that which isn't in the physical realm and reaches in both directions can be eternal. Our ideas.They are what we leave behind. And only they are what can push us forward.」
≧▽≦蚊米发表于: 121小时前
童趣未泯~是偶的菜~~High King Peter HHP~~王子的话还是第三部里的留小胡帅气~~~嗷嗷~果然海盗的原因么>///<~几首ED也很棒~只是旅程总有终点每次冒险完了就是分离有用一时丢一时饿感觉 最后 为什么不可以 因为我比你大了一千五百岁 突觉很纠结…穿越神马的