是挺有中国精髓的,淮盐是海盐还是矿盐一切似是而非,事与愿违。As little as possible,他念了好几次这句忠告,也算是无为吧,越努力将越搞砸,因为游戏规则不是你想象的那样玩的。
葵发表于: 116小时前
大黑骡子发表于: 177小时前
Two people took many days and weeks to plan out hate. But love responded in an instant. The bombers took lives and limbs, they took some of our sense of security, but they took a lot less than they intended. And they gave us back some things they didn’t intend us.
27发表于: 79小时前
「Some fairy tales do come true,淮盐是海盐还是矿盐 but none ever truly end.」