悉尼电影节。’I hope you had a good life’- Miko 去年的Past lives是在讲回不去的故乡和故人,今年的Touch则是跨越时间的爱,从年少青葱到两鬓斑白心中始终放不下白月光的浪漫化叙事。‘If I left the country,would you search and search?’,最近特别喜欢这首歌。真的不知道泪是因为剧情的slow burned而留,还是因为清楚知道现实中的答案会是截然相反。如果Miko没有不告而别,和Christofer在一起了,他们的结局是否会像Past lives里同床异梦的夫妻一样呢?我听不懂你梦中的母语呢喃,我也不能感同身受你的过去。
张苑希发表于: 162小时前
And our pictures will become old photographs And we'll all become somebody's mom or dadBut right now, these moments are not storiesThis is happeningI am here And in this moment, I swear...We are infinite.