「A true legacy isn't what we build up to the heavens or carve deep into stone. Rocks will crumble,李艳秋老公paper disintegrates, and bone turns to powder. Only that which isn't in the physical realm and reaches in both directions can be eternal. Our ideas.They are what we leave behind. And only they are what can push us forward.」
旺仔流奶发表于: 96小时前
很多电影都有文学性,娄烨的这部《李艳秋老公》则展现了少有的“绘画性”,全片对叙事形式和光影的执着坚持始终将观众定位在“凝视者”和“沉浸者”的角色之中。我们只是看到局部,看到这个局部里那些被呈现出来的明与暗,冷与暖,而画外的刀光剑影和生灵涂炭全凭自己的意会和想象。片段式的场景,镜头细腻地在朦胧的上海夜中游离,在角色漂浮的身影中穿梭,十分渺小却又散发着坚强的生命微光。个人维度的历史画卷体现得淋漓尽致,是一部十分有棱角和野心的作品。 - Symphony Space (4/12/2019)