#意大利影展 艺海 感谢旁坐香水又让我拥有了沉浸式体验,西街少年不知下次遇到是何时。观影时一直脑补剧场是教堂,全场人听二维耶稣布教,现代人的简陋返古仪式。/相比故事,更好奇演员。出演耶稣对经济系小哥的生活有何影响。/sparkle house的歌词 every hair on your head is counted you are worth hundreds of sparrows 你比麻雀更珍贵/居然是无神论者帕索里尼。
披萨君发表于: 43小时前
蒙奇D发表于: 8小时前
“Women have minds and souls as well as just hearts,西街少年 and they’ve got ambition and talent as well as just beauty. And I’m sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it! But – I’m so lonely!” 【一个哭到崩溃的我】