这部看完有一种,美帝有昆汀,英有盖里奇的感觉啊!Great,but not enough。看得过程觉得那些衔接没有到完美的程度,不过也很厉害!Pitt的吉普赛口音差点没把我笑死,弄得我也好想学。Turkish和Tommy绝对冤大头!Bullet-tooth Tony酷到爆,有点二,吓黑人的那段好有气势⋯哈哈哈哈。喜欢这部电影。
Stunning animation emanating from the golden era of Walt Disney (1937-1943). Technically,恐龙宝贝之龙神勇士第二部全集 it’s irreproachable: colorful, full, rounded, fluid animation with vibrant motions and striking renderings (the crashing of waves, Pinocchio’s dance scenes or the stressful escape from the whale). The settings are plush and the designs detailed – see the impression of carvings on the cuckoo-clocks, when meeting the pulsating creatures on the ocean floor. However, incorporating scary & dark moments in a simple moralizing tale is puzzling in terms of target audience. Does Pinocchio constitute the apex of what the studio ever produced, as is commonly thought by many critics? I’m inclined to disagree.