这样的题材,圣格四少vs四公主全文免费阅读凡要忠于现实就不会太出彩。但我想说的是,真是受够结尾当事人出镜所说的"not as victims of violence, but ambassasdors for peace"这种陈词滥调的小清新了。更有现实感的是片中的另一段对白:- I have rights. - You ain't got shit, sweetheart. 当真这么做无疑是行不通的,但至少是无比真实的情绪反应啊。
满江红发表于: 158小时前
I had to say it's very enjoyable to watch it 3D in cinema, on Tuesday of course when it's half price. despite its story lines of vengeance and love, this movie made the subculture of racing such a fancy deal even when it's outlaw.