青梅比不过天降,真爱教母比不过傻白王子。自己种的白菜被猪拱了,白菜还帮猪全家伤害教母。教母前一秒哀怨:我没有女儿了,后一秒不计前嫌卖命救瞎眼萝莉。从没原谅过渣男的教母彻底输给了小萝莉,满满的爱全给你,刀子也全接下,爱到赔了王国还送你嫁人,一首let it go 送给卑微教母。———— 迪士尼用一部颠覆传统,又用第二部回归傻白乐。
「U r too precious for words, why I could just eat u alive! → Oh no, Margaret! Too young.」「I'll buy a cup if u buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal? → R they made from real Girl Scouts?」「I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.」