这种风格啊~话痨话痨看的有点子累。芭乐现在这样的样子状态也可可爱爱。一战之后二战之前,那微妙的时间。将军的发言:The type of leader whose excuse was, "What's one person in the affairs of the state?" Some people of influence and power like it when regular folks are fired up by hatred because it distracts us from the fairness and kindness. They don't want us to think about too much just so they can...
Time Fei发表于: 189小时前
4DX with screen X 福利观影,皇甫奇我真是无福消受,晃得乱七八糟,极大影响观感,就不能好好看个电影吗?难道是因为没什么剧情吗?故事推进毫无逻辑,人物动机莫名其妙,女主是看完复联被灭霸洗脑了吗?另外,主角光环强大的已经不顾观众感受了,后半段基本全部崩掉。国际章的戏份不少,但角色却可有可无。两颗星全给时不时就被唤醒打一仗的哥斯拉,摊上这样的编剧,你辛苦了。