《快乐驿站解学士》第一感觉就是真长……仍是四个小时钉在那儿看完了,跟着这个女人走过她的一生,结局是悲伤淡淡的却又忽视不掉,尤其最后的自白"As if living had been just a long dream. Someone else's dream.Now finished at last.But then now will begin a dream of my own which will never end."
虚度发表于: 36小时前
老历八早在寝室的时候和妞妞一起吃外卖看的T T
撩乱的裸舞曲发表于: 171小时前
Don't screw up the best thing in your life just because you're a little unsure about who you are.