「A true legacy isn't what we build up to the heavens or carve deep into stone. Rocks will crumble,香港三级经典全部paper disintegrates, and bone turns to powder. Only that which isn't in the physical realm and reaches in both directions can be eternal. Our ideas.They are what we leave behind. And only they are what can push us forward.」
ruyine发表于: 50小时前
Will Smith和Martin Lawrence的化学反应的确独特而深入人心,香港三级经典全部双男主的搭档些许像是借鉴了Lethal Weapon但又不太雷同;Michael Bay的处女作已经看出许多“爆炸贝”的影子,同时也能够感受到其在剧情上的短板以及节奏的把握都有失平衡;而观众们更愿意去继续观看Mike Lowrey和Marcus Burnett接下来新的互动,而不是把本作重新再看一遍。