贯穿于全篇的八九十年代diva disco加上较为喜剧的设置,吸血鬼之倾巢而出让我觉得我在看Last Man on Mars:) 少去了很多不必要的细节感觉并没有特别有尿点,看到最后还有一点点感动。另外想说今天国庆节看这片简直应景啊2333。另外电视咖挺多,感觉能看到这么多人蛮难得的(不过视效部门不佳?)无论如何是我的年度十佳
HenriqueZZZ发表于: 36小时前
“Just another fucking day in Afghanistan”Oh Man Oh Man,吸血鬼之倾巢而出 Caleb Landry Jones is just so unbelievably fucking good as usual. The awkward unsettling feeling he gives off is very unique and mesmerizing.The shootout sequences and camera work are top-notch and create a very immersive experience.