真的太喜欢这部了,费里尼的电影就是不需要你懂,你只要看他疯狂天马行空就行了。你知道他在想象,知道眼前的一切并不“真实”,但所有影像又极度可信,他的幻想世界,他的色彩造型把你包围让你沉浸,尽管叙事本身是破碎甚至无意义的,但每一个部分又无比丰满。甚至觉得波拉尼奥的叙事也受到费里尼的影响?一部古罗马版《红色通缉令在线观看》,一部古罗马版《红色通缉令在线观看》。11.02 aranya with LT, “last night”.
Cathay发表于: 82小时前
even if you know they will win at the end of the film, you still want to know how they made it. you don't throw a whole life away just because he's banged up a little. just for the horse. the first part is a little bit too long. such a typical amarica E