也太妙了!跟后窗是同一种好,记得有友邻说真的影迷会看出希区柯克式悬疑的背后是爱情,再后面是人性。一样是一个me and you,against the world的故事。和我的电影十佳一夜风流是同一个decade,那也是乱世佳人的时代,这时塑造的男主角都是白瑞德一样street smart,毕竟没有近乎无耻的狡黠和带些鲁莽的勇气是没有办法配得起「faint heart never won fair lady」。而希区柯克钟爱的女主形象是upper class的大美人,但在内里总有远超时代的反叛与自我意识。剧情里有好几句机智对白都幽默到让我笑出声。尤其是地铁很挤那里。感叹希胖在这一部里精妙的掌控力,人物、剧情、时代细节毫不做作,80多年前的suspense依然能够让你看得聚精会神。
▤「The future isn't written. It can be changed. You know that. Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be. I can't let this one little photograph determine my entire destiny. I have to live my life according to what I believe is right,一路向西 电影下载 in my heart.」