第一次看原住民題材的片子,公息肉欲30篇因為不了解,確實是有抱著文化獵奇的心態,但漸漸地更多是被「世俗」的部分所吸引,基層選舉有時真的堪比鬧劇,家庭關係剪不斷理還亂不過編劇還是進行了較為溫情的處理,傳統的泰雅族家庭在現代社會體制和文化的衝擊下是如何存在著的這個課題確實用電影來呈現最合適。放在文化研究裡真的 layers upon layers,堪稱絕佳範本。從視聽來說,開頭拍得很有意思,鄉土但仙氣。
朝暮雪发表于: 50小时前
I still think that SS had the best looking uniforms, the precise fitting not only enforced an uptight pose from the wearers, also created a much more intimating impression to the oppressed people. A sloppy solider is hardly intimating and scary. Who wasn't scared of the sight of army which looked energetic and focus on tormenting you? The evil vibe just oozed out of those perfectly fit Germans uniform.