硬核爷爷的温情贩毒之旅。到了迟暮之年回首往昔,如果说此生无悔真的太难。但如果重头来过,你又会如何选择呢?人生越久,一路开过的弯路越多。所谓笔直的人生大道不仅开不久,而且还会相当无聊吧。“Love me more today than yesterday?”“But not as much as tomorrow.”
Keith Lee发表于: 159小时前
宇宙真理猪大肠发表于: 1小时前
虽然剧情远不如之前巧妙,校园风流邪神下载这版的女主倒是豪不逊色 / 那段关于shallow roller和deep roller的好词好句: But you can’t breed two deep rollers or their young, their offspring will roll all the way down, hit and die. Agent Starling is a deep roller. Let’s hope one of her parents was not.