比起我的媽媽開Gay Bar(Stage Mother (2020))那種近乎失真的直敘溫情, 這個的手法是精采多了但又變得有點斷續又情緒化, 最後舞台效果真的滿好大爺的演技也很有說服力我愛, Tu me manquesz法文的我想你就是你是我缺的一塊這意象還是很美, 諸多美男們其實演來不怎麼帶情慾的, 就更專心思考同志與家庭與愛與出櫃與宗教等等議題
Tacitus发表于: 83小时前
Heroes are something we creat,女生玩男生小JJ something we need. It's a way for us to understand what is almost incomprehensible how people could sacrifice so much for us. But if we wish to truly honor these man, we should remember them the way they really were.