8.1 Say hello to my little friend!德帕尔马的每一场戏处理的都很稳,甜了青梅配竹马电视剧但并未有太令人印象深刻的镜头,这部电影更多属于演员。与麦克·柯里昂截然不同,托尼·蒙大拿是一个有着充满痞气的暴发户,粗鲁野蛮,不拘小节。帕西诺完美把控了两个角色同与异,但同样给予观众肆虐全场的威慑力。
Aires鹏飞发表于: 63小时前
「Genocides have always been about one race thinking they're better than the other race. What makes us better than the synthetics? The previous genocides in history were against human beings, not against created objects, not against can openers.」「Our world keeps moving, changing, evolving, and so do we.」