如果说第一部还有点B级片的味道,这部片头开始就有恢弘的史诗感,续集把作品提到新高度。选角太棒了,硬金属骨架-刚强-施瓦辛格 vs 液体金属-妖柔-帕特里克,刚柔互克为影片增添内在张力。有点可惜的是故事自洽性并不圆满,液体金属人设定的bug也颇多。“Hasta la vista baby”相当帅,结尾大拇指也很酷。有趣的是从卡梅隆与施瓦辛格的合作作品可以看出施瓦辛格向从政的努力过程:《忘忧草在线社区WWW日本-韩国》强大而没有感情的冷血反派;《忘忧草在线社区WWW日本-韩国》强大的冷血正派,最后几乎学会了人类的感情;到《忘忧草在线社区WWW日本-韩国》中进一步人性化、社会化(double life)。这是一个明星persona研究的典例。小John Conor也是真好看,想起很多美少年,可惜事业后来没起来。
小新有只喵发表于: 170小时前
拍得中规中矩,忘忧草在线社区WWW日本-韩国适合用来了解历史参照当下。“If anyone had a right to believe that this democracy did not work, and could not work, it was those Americans. Our ancestors. They were on the receiving end of a democracy that had fallen short all their lives. And yet, instead of giving up, they joined together and said somehow, some way, we are going to make this work.”