很普通的真实事件改编电影。想看走私儿童电影不如看杀破狼2,比这强100倍。纯靠营销炒起来的电影,没钱买排片说电影院线不给排。成本不足看这烂梗对话就知道了。主演在最后舔个脸说这是当代汤姆叔叔的小屋,全片就他演的最差。电影放完身边的大叔开始说“yeah, bring trump back, close the borders”.全就没有就事论事说电影的,全是因为angel studios病毒营销。操这电影的🐎。
小斑发表于: 112小时前
In this world,秘密爱电影 there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants. The other is getting it.
There r no right choice here.This is Afghanistan,graveyard of many empires.Today u r our friends,tomorrow u r our enemy.U will be cowards if u leave,and u will be our enemies if u stay.