Gym. Watched this as Biden withdraws troops from Afghanistan. The vicious cycle keeps going. George W. Bush is probably the most liberal Republican president. Bush Senior is still my favorite president in recent memory. I'm a little surprised that this was directed by Oliver Stone. I wouldn't call this one of his better works.
+ 其实是动作喜剧,无声闲笔撬动的东西要比台词更多(互殴,踢纸球等等),而情感关系也就是在这些缝隙中建立起来的。但同时也是有些鸡贼的男人电影,唯一的女性角色只寥寥两个镜头,通奸事件仅仅作为一个无关紧要的类型转折,偷情和偷腥和偷钱几乎没有区别。杜琪峰的魅力就在于能用一种完全不油腻的方式为陈旧的 Male Bonding 挽尊,你很难想象如果黑帮片欠缺幽默感会变成什么楠味冲天的大狗屎