



  • 发表于: 124小时前
  • 影人疯发表于: 100小时前
  • 岸辺☆扑克发表于: 2小时前
  • 极品猪头发表于: 86小时前
    How do you unwrap the gift, parents? It indeed seems no easier than the Navier-Stokes for many supports to raise a talent. Frank prefers protecting the child's psychological health and helping her growth in personality with empathy and affectionate environment to fully exploring her potential before finding a better balance between the two, while Mary's grandma insists that extraordinary people is doom to be away from the ordinary and tries to isolate children from any close relationship, which in her eyes is but distraction from success. Extraordinary doesn't mean abnormal, arrogant or alone, and doesn't necessarily lead to a happy life. A gift is a gift only when it's properly unwrapped.
  • Ada的B计划发表于: 141小时前
    和尚这个角色本来找的佟大为 佟大为不想剃头发拒绝了 结果一个女演员接了 然后周韵在这部电影遇到了姜文