I've neglected the things I should have valued most.I valued shit.I've just been dressing up as sth Im not for so long,Im so afraid no one will like what's underneath.I tell lies because underneath I still feel like shit.I just want to make things better.
Late Rossellini in the woods. 最后一次以电视片式的搬演证实了:不是人选择地点来倾倒词语,而是场所中生发的言说将我们占据.Céladon一再重复道"听我说..."但自己却不接着讲下去,谁在说话?江声浩荡,鸟鸣啁啾.侯麦深知现代观众既不能认识人物也无法理解他们的贞洁,故祭司并不指明Céladon其人,仅仅点出河岸的位置,令变形发生的森林;只有单声道的Live在那里"发现最珍贵的宝物":一阵风吹过,摇曳的树冠...