Mccree said Justice ain't gonna dispense itself. But What is justice? I'm not being cynical here but is there any justice at all?冤冤相报何时了?也许永远没有尽头。We are born with blessing and curse,私人订制在线观看 we fight without hesitation and satisfaction, then we thrive like any other creature does. That's how human live.个人认为比Argo要好。在One Day in September后食用效果最佳。
木桃发表于: 61小时前
天马星发表于: 51小时前
鬼 鬼 ™发表于: 167小时前
人机大战还是辅戏,电影关键词是目的(purpose)。目的之下,万物相生相克,万物有始有终。Neo是拯救,Smith是毁灭,“He is you. Your opposite, your nagetive”。造物主维持平衡,先知打破平衡,全片最喜欢的台词是先知的那句“To unbalance it”,很有革命感。有目的的程序和有目的的人,在较量、冲突、调和中,生成了新的生存局面,程序得以逃离目的,而人得以逃离程序。和平局面的背后,程序有了人性但依然是程序,而人依然是人,“What do you think I am? Human?”