跟女性瘾者套路差不多,强迫症一样表现主角的思维细节,尽最大努力提炼台词的用词,对场景的描述像尽调报告一样细致。影片表达编导对艺术的看法,影片本身也是一件很好的艺术品。片尾曲使用Ray Charles金曲Hit the Road Jack,呼应男主角的名字。
零序曲发表于: 138小时前
「While u've been sitting on ur arse down here waiting for the sun to shine, we've been struggling to survive, in a remote cabin, with some Germans - and we did survive, most of us.」「Soon after the two former enemies met. As friends.」【♫Somewhere Over the Rainbow♫】