The premise of the story is don't meddle too much with that which you cannot comprehend. Brundle gets drunk and learns that lesson the hard, insectoidally deformed way. The ending of the movie also is substantial proof that all flies are suicidal :D Swat them--they want it.
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黑白片的代入感超强,关于媒体力量这一点不便多谈但伪纪录片形式的法庭辩论着实印象深刻。没有人敢说自己当下的选择一定是正确的,也许历史会证明今天的坚持不懈其实是可笑无比的谬论,但这并不成立无为的借口。当ED垂下眼帘说,GOOD NIGHT,AND GOOD LUCK的瞬间,一切硝烟归于宁静。